Zaslon Hvatanje na Windows Phone 7? Microsoft kaže da nije važno!

Zaslon Hvatanje na Windows Phone 7? Microsoft kaže da nije važno!
Zaslon Hvatanje na Windows Phone 7? Microsoft kaže da nije važno!

Video: Zaslon Hvatanje na Windows Phone 7? Microsoft kaže da nije važno!

Video: Zaslon Hvatanje na Windows Phone 7? Microsoft kaže da nije važno!
Video: La Educación Prohibida - Película Completa HD Oficial - YouTube 2024, Travanj

Zaslon Hvatanje je već godinama i bio je ključna opcija za većinu korisnika s računala na mobilni svijet. Osobno upotrebljavam taj mali ključ PRTSCR na svom prijenosnom računalu mnogo za mnoge razloge od snimanja zaslona svojih aplikacija na prikazivanje, slike s weba kojega nisam htio skinuti; ali što sam znao, uređivao bih - ili video konferencije s mojom tinejdžerskom djecom koja žive izvan države i snimite snimku zaslona kako bi napravili malo smiješno Photoshopping s njima i mnoge druge razloge, pri snimanju zaslona štedi mi vrijeme.

Kada je sve rekao i učinio, screenshotovi su korisni dio života na isti način kao i kopirajte i zalijepite, imo!
Kada je sve rekao i učinio, screenshotovi su korisni dio života na isti način kao i kopirajte i zalijepite, imo!

U intervjuu CES-a s direktorom Microsoftove tvrtke za pokretnu komunikaciju Aaron Woodman, CNET je zatražio od Microsofta da dodaje program za snimanje zaslona na uređaje sa sustavom Windows Phone 7, a odgovor je sljedeći:

I have never sat in a user group–and I sit in a lot of user groups, a lot of retail groups–I’ve never heard an end user go ‘why can’t I take a screenshot of that?’.

According to Woodman, it’s also not always the users who help Microsoft determine which features need to be fast-tracked. “We do a lot of things for reporters,” Woodman said. “I would argue things like the Mac connector software–the software that lets you take your Windows Phone and connect it to an Apple PC of some form, and basically pull over music from iTunes and photos and that kind of stuff–it wasn’t built because we thought there was a significant market opportunity for Mac loyalists out there who were dying to buy a Windows Phone. It was built because reporters would show up with Macs,” Woodman said.

Well ahead of a screenshot tool is a laundry list of features Microsoft plans to add, including the ones competitors have already put out, which Woodman referred to as “gaps.”

Something that would let you snap photos of text conversations is one thing. Where Woodman said some problems could arise is with capturing certain types of content if there’s copy-protection involved.

The other half of the equation, Woodman explained, is that developers who wanted to take screenshots of their applications have had the means since the introduction of the Windows Phone 7 SDK. “There’s a ton of ways to do it within the emulator, so application developers have no problem with that,” Woodman said.

The reality is, we have a DRM requirement for our marketplace, which makes things like HDMI and those types of things out, more difficult,” Woodman said. “We’ve made a choice to have a more protected set of content on the phone and available to consumers, so we do have restrictions within that,” he said.

Woodman said the feature could end up in a future build of the OS software though. “Not that we couldn’t technically do it. I mean, at the end of the day it’s software,” he said. “We could definitely choose to do screenshot capabilities if you’re not in these three experiences.”

Ukratko, ako tražite Zaslon Hvatanje u sustavu Windows Phone 7, to se ne događa u bilo kojem trenutku! Kada će Microsoft zapravo slušati svoje korisnike i dodati najviše tražene značajke!

Ne biste li htjeli reći, Windows Phone 7 je i moja ideja!

Pogledajte izvorni CNET članak da biste pročitali cijeli intervju.

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