Kako pretvoriti nepoznatu vrstu medijske datoteke u MP3?


Kako pretvoriti nepoznatu vrstu medijske datoteke u MP3?
Kako pretvoriti nepoznatu vrstu medijske datoteke u MP3?
Ako imate multimedijsku datoteku s nepoznatom vrstom proširenja, uzbudljiva iskustva mogu biti jednostavna za reprodukciju u omiljenom medijskom reproduktoru. Ako pretvorite datoteku ili postoji li bolje rješenje? Danas SuperUser Q & A pomaže čitatelju da se bavi problematičnim medijskim datotekama.
Ako imate multimedijsku datoteku s nepoznatom vrstom proširenja, uzbudljiva iskustva mogu biti jednostavna za reprodukciju u omiljenom medijskom reproduktoru. Ako pretvorite datoteku ili postoji li bolje rješenje? Danas SuperUser Q & A pomaže čitatelju da se bavi problematičnim medijskim datotekama.

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Čitač SuperUser Henry želi znati kako pretvoriti nepoznatu vrstu medija u mp3:

I am having trouble converting an unknown media file type to mp3 so that I can easily play it in VLC Media Player on my Windows 7 system. If I drag and drop the file into VLC Media Player, it plays fine.

When I open it and attempt to choose VLC Media Player as the default program, the “Always choose this program to open this kind of file” check box is grayed out and I am unable to select it. I want to be able to set VLC Media Player as the default program for all the music files I have that are like this.

Kako pretvoriti nepoznatu vrstu medijske datoteke u mp3?


Suradnici SuperUser-a AFH i Kamil Maciorowski imaju odgovor za nas. Prvo, AFH:

If you play the file via drag and drop, pause or stop it, then:

  • Go to Play-list
  • Right-click on the problem file
  • Click Information

The Codec Tab will tell you what type of media file it is, so you can close the program and add the appropriate extension to the file.

Do not convert the file! This will take time and degrade the quality. If you do not know what the appropriate extension should be, rename the file as FileName.vlc and associate the extension with VLC Media Player (any unused extension could be used, but this one is unlikely to be used by anything else on your system).

Slijedi odgovor Kamila Maciorowskog:

To anyone who has the same exact problem, do not let my answer misguide you. AFH’s answer is right, it is better to avoid converting the file altogether. Still, Henry asked for it, so Henry gets it.

If VLC Media Player can play this file, then it can likely convert it. There is Convert/Save entry in the File Menu (the actual entry may vary slightly depending on the UI language settings on your system). Add your file with the Add Button, then choose Convert from the drop down menu at the bottom. My installation of VLC Media Player has the mp3 profile right out of the box.

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