Mogu li koristiti Task Scheduler za nadzor baterije računala?


Mogu li koristiti Task Scheduler za nadzor baterije računala?
Mogu li koristiti Task Scheduler za nadzor baterije računala?
Ako želite zadržati blisku pozornost na razinu napunjenosti vašeg prijenosnog računala, možda ćete tražiti ugrađeni način kako biste ga pratili dok ste zauzeti. Postoji li jedan ili vam je potreban prilagođeno rješenje? Danas SuperUser Q & A post ima odgovor na pitanje čitača praćenja akumulatora.
Ako želite zadržati blisku pozornost na razinu napunjenosti vašeg prijenosnog računala, možda ćete tražiti ugrađeni način kako biste ga pratili dok ste zauzeti. Postoji li jedan ili vam je potreban prilagođeno rješenje? Danas SuperUser Q & A post ima odgovor na pitanje čitača praćenja akumulatora.

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SuperUser čitač MiHa želi znati kako stvoriti zadatak u Task Scheduleru za promjenu razina napunjenosti baterije na svom prijenosnom računalu:

I need to create a task in Task Scheduler based on battery level changes. For example, say my laptop’s battery drops from 67 percent to 66 percent charge remaining. How can I run a task based on this event? Does Windows log this at all? I was unable to find information on this anywhere.

Kako stvoriti zadatak u Task Scheduler za izmjene razine baterije?


Usluga SuperUser DavidPostill ima odgovor za nas:

I Need to Create a Task in Task Scheduler Based on Battery Level Changes

Windows does not log this kind of information/details as events. You can, however, use something like the batch file below and create a custom event.


This batch file monitors the current battery percentage charge and creates a user defined event if the charge drops below a user defined threshold value.

  • The eventcreate command works on Windows XP up to and including Windows 10. It requires administrator privileges to work.
  • Set _threshold as required.
  • If the battery falls below this value, an event with ID 999 will be generated in the APPLICATION event log with the description “Battery charge has dropped”.
  • Modify the eventcreate command as required for your situation.
  • Modify the timeout delay as required for your situation.

Example Output

My battery currently has a charge of 81 percent. I set the threshold to 82 percent. Here is what happens when I run Battery.cmd:

And here is the new entry in the Event Log:
And here is the new entry in the Event Log:

EventCreate Syntax


Further Reading

  • An A-Z Index of the Windows CMD Command Line – An excellent reference for all things Windows command line related.
  • eventcreate – Create a custom event in the Windows Event Viewer.
  • schtasks – Create or edit a scheduled job/task. The job can be created on a local or remote computer.
  • wmic – Windows Management Instrumentation Command.

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Slikovni kredit: DavidPostill (SuperUser)
