Postoji li način da omogućite View Reader u Mozilla Firefoxu?


Postoji li način da omogućite View Reader u Mozilla Firefoxu?
Postoji li način da omogućite View Reader u Mozilla Firefoxu?

Video: Postoji li način da omogućite View Reader u Mozilla Firefoxu?

Video: Postoji li način da omogućite View Reader u Mozilla Firefoxu?
Video: SKR Pro v1.x - Klipper install - YouTube 2024, Travanj
Značajka Reader View u Mozilla Firefoxu može znatno poboljšati čitljivost web stranice, ali postoji li nešto što možete učiniti ako određena web stranica ne podržava ovu značajku? Današnji SuperUser Q & A ima neke korisne prijedloge za frustriranog čitatelja.
Značajka Reader View u Mozilla Firefoxu može znatno poboljšati čitljivost web stranice, ali postoji li nešto što možete učiniti ako određena web stranica ne podržava ovu značajku? Današnji SuperUser Q & A ima neke korisne prijedloge za frustriranog čitatelja.

Današnja pitanja i odgovori nam se javljaju zahvaljujući SuperUseru - podjele Stack Exchange-a, zajednice-driven grupiranja Q & A web stranica.


SuperUser čitač xypha želi znati postoji li način omogućavanja omogućavanja pregleda čitača u Mozilla Firefoxu:

My initial query was, “What determines if a webpage can or cannot be displayed in Reader View in Mozilla Firefox?”, but I found the answer in a Webmasters StackExchange Q&A post.

As I understand it, websites that do not automatically show the option to enable Reader View have a problem with their code, tags, html, etc. The Mozilla Firefox support webpage for Reader View suggests something similar:

If a page is available in Reader View, the Reader View icon will appear in the address bar.

My question is, if the Reader View icon does not appear in the address bar, is there a way to force-enable Reader View on those webpages? I visited this discussion on Reddit, but it did not answer my question.

I am not sure an addon will provide a solution. Maybe this can be done with a script, a Mozilla Firefox setting in about:config, or something else entirely?

Postoji li način da omogućite View Reader u Mozilla Firefoxu?


Neki korisnici za SuperUser korisnike imaju odgovor za nas:

You can try installing this extension that will force-enable Reader View even if the icon is not displayed.

This addon adds a button to the toolbar. Clicking on it activates the Reader View feature even if the icon in the address bar is not present. Technically, this addon prepends “about:reader?url=” to the current tab’s address.

Alternatively, you can use Reader View on any website. In the address bar type:


And replace with the one you want.

If you use Pentadactyl, you can create a command:

:command reader execute “open about:reader?url=” + content.location.href (And then you type:reader to get the Reader View)

And with a key shortcut:

:nmap:reader (A simple Ctrl+R and that is it)

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