Kako VPN može poboljšati brzinu preuzimanja?


Kako VPN može poboljšati brzinu preuzimanja?
Kako VPN može poboljšati brzinu preuzimanja?

Video: Kako VPN može poboljšati brzinu preuzimanja?

Video: Kako VPN može poboljšati brzinu preuzimanja?
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Svi se slažemo da je brža brzina preuzimanja poželjna i pretpostaviti da VPN može malo usporiti stvari, ali što ako se dogodi suprotno, a vaš VPN zapravo povećava brzinu? Imajući to na umu, današnji SuperUser Q & A post ima odgovor na pitanje čudnog čitatelja.
Svi se slažemo da je brža brzina preuzimanja poželjna i pretpostaviti da VPN može malo usporiti stvari, ali što ako se dogodi suprotno, a vaš VPN zapravo povećava brzinu? Imajući to na umu, današnji SuperUser Q & A post ima odgovor na pitanje čudnog čitatelja.

Današnja pitanja i odgovori nam se javljaju zahvaljujući SuperUseru - podjele Stack Exchange-a, zajednice-driven grupiranja Q & A web stranica.

Fotografija ljubaznošću Lawrence Wang (Flickr).


SuperUser čitač RazeLegendz želi znati kako VPN može poboljšati njegovu brzinu preuzimanja:

I was recently downloading something at 300 Kb/s, then I decided to turn my VPN on and the download speed suddenly jumped to 1.3 Mb/s. Why is this? Is it because the VPN server reduces the number of “hops” between the server and me?

Kako VPN može poboljšati nečiju brzinu preuzimanja?


SuperUser suradnik davidgo ima odgovor za nas:

There are a few possibilities. Unfortunately, the number of “hops” is irrelevant.

The first is compression. If the data you were downloading is uncompressed and your VPN offers compression, then this could explain it. However, most files transferred are likely to be compressed, so this is not as likely as it would seem at first.

The second and third options are related and have to do with your ISP’s connectivity and restrictions. Your VPN has found a faster path to the destination data, which could be because:

  1. The ISP has multiple connections and the direct connection to the data is constrained. The VPN goes across a different connection, which in turn has better connectivity to the source of the data you are pulling, thus you are routing round the congestion.
  2. The ISP is shaping certain kinds of traffic, possibly by type or destination or both. It could even be by content/payload, but that is less likely. By using a VPN, your traffic is being given priority or not being capped, so you are getting better speed.

There are some other possibilities, but these are again less likely. It could be that the VPN is using UDP while your download would typically use TCP, and different optimisations (MTU, for example) are allowing better use of your connection. Again, this is possible, but unlikely, mainly because you would expect either a much smaller or much greater difference in speed.

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