Zašto su PDF datoteke generirane od strane Microsoft Word tako velike?


Zašto su PDF datoteke generirane od strane Microsoft Word tako velike?
Zašto su PDF datoteke generirane od strane Microsoft Word tako velike?

Video: Zašto su PDF datoteke generirane od strane Microsoft Word tako velike?

Video: Zašto su PDF datoteke generirane od strane Microsoft Word tako velike?
Video: Darwin | The Core of Mac OS. Installing OpenDarwin - YouTube 2024, Travanj
Kada su vaši dokumenti uglavnom tekst samo u prirodi, čini se da veličine datoteka za.docx i.pdf verzije trebaju biti prilično slične kada se spremaju, ali to nije uvijek slučaj. Današnji SuperUser Q & A post ima odgovor na znatiželjna pitanja čitatelja o velikoj razlici u veličinama datoteka.
Kada su vaši dokumenti uglavnom tekst samo u prirodi, čini se da veličine datoteka za.docx i.pdf verzije trebaju biti prilično slične kada se spremaju, ali to nije uvijek slučaj. Današnji SuperUser Q & A post ima odgovor na znatiželjna pitanja čitatelja o velikoj razlici u veličinama datoteka.

Današnja pitanja i odgovori nam se javljaju zahvaljujući SuperUseru - podjele Stack Exchange-a, zajednice-driven grupiranja Q & A web stranica.

Boksačke rukavice clip-art courtesy of


SuperUser čitač Borek želi znati zašto su PDF datoteke koje generira Microsoft Word tako velike:

I created a simple Microsoft Word document containing just this sentence, nothing else:

This is a small document.

Then I saved the document as.docx and.pdf files. Here are the file sizes:

  • .docx: 12 kB
  • .pdf: 89 kB

The difference between the two files is huge (technically) and it really bothers me when documents that are mostly textual in nature are just tens of kB in.docx format, but are hundreds of kB in size when converted to PDF files. What is so inefficient about the PDF format? Is it just Microsoft Word using some terrible output algorithm?

By the way, the PDF output settings on my Microsoft Office installation are set to create the smallest files possible:

Zašto su PDF datoteke generirane u programu Microsoft Word tako velike?


SuperUser suradnik rene ima odgovor za nas:

If you open the PDF file in Notepad++, you will find:

And that object is referenced here at the end in the /FontFile2 instruction:
And that object is referenced here at the end in the /FontFile2 instruction:
The fonts used by a Microsoft Word document are embedded into PDF files so that they are self-contained. I used this slide-deck from Adobe to decipher the PDF instructions.
The fonts used by a Microsoft Word document are embedded into PDF files so that they are self-contained. I used this slide-deck from Adobe to decipher the PDF instructions.

If you want to prevent fonts from being embedded in a PDF file, then make sure your Microsoft Word documents make use of one of the 14 standard typefaces available in PDF viewers (Source: Wikipedia).

  • Times New Roman > Times (v3) (in regular, italic, bold, and bold italic)
  • Courier New > Courier (in regular, oblique, bold, and bold oblique)
  • Arial > Helvetica (v3) (in regular, oblique, bold, and bold oblique)
  • Symbol > Symbol
  • Wingdings > Zapf Dingbats

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