Zašto moj preglednik kaže sigurnu web stranicu nije potpuno sigurna?


Zašto moj preglednik kaže sigurnu web stranicu nije potpuno sigurna?
Zašto moj preglednik kaže sigurnu web stranicu nije potpuno sigurna?

Video: Zašto moj preglednik kaže sigurnu web stranicu nije potpuno sigurna?

Video: Zašto moj preglednik kaže sigurnu web stranicu nije potpuno sigurna?
Video: Cómo buscar y eliminar Archivos Duplicados en PC | encontrar archivos iguales repetidos en Windows - YouTube 2024, Travanj
Uz sve nevolje koje se može pojaviti na internetu, uvijek je dobra ideja imati što sigurniju vezu što je više moguće. No, što učiniti kada vaš preglednik kaže da sigurnu web stranicu nije potpuno sigurna? Danas SuperUser Q & A post ima odgovor na pitanje zabrinute čitatelje.
Uz sve nevolje koje se može pojaviti na internetu, uvijek je dobra ideja imati što sigurniju vezu što je više moguće. No, što učiniti kada vaš preglednik kaže da sigurnu web stranicu nije potpuno sigurna? Danas SuperUser Q & A post ima odgovor na pitanje zabrinute čitatelje.

Današnja pitanja i odgovori nam se javljaju zahvaljujući SuperUseru - podjele Stack Exchange-a, zajednice-driven grupiranja Q & A web stranica.


SuperUser čitač David Starkey želi znati zašto njegov preglednik kaže da sigurnu web stranicu nije potpuno sigurna:

I was accessing Pandora via SSL and noticed a few icons by the URL. First is this exclamation point in a triangle, indicating the page is not fully secure.

Next to it is a shield. This one says content that is not secure is blocked.
Next to it is a shield. This one says content that is not secure is blocked.
These statements, at least to me, seem to contradict each other. Can someone explain this to me? Is my connection secure or not? I accessed the Pandora website using Firefox 30.0 on Windows 7. I also have HTTPS Everywhere installed.
These statements, at least to me, seem to contradict each other. Can someone explain this to me? Is my connection secure or not? I accessed the Pandora website using Firefox 30.0 on Windows 7. I also have HTTPS Everywhere installed.

Što se ovdje događa? Je li Davidova veza s Pandorom sigurna ili ne?


Odgovor SuperUser za redburn odgovoran je za nas:

This is called a “mixed content” page. From the Mozilla Developer Network (Mixed Content):

If the HTTPS page includes content retrieved through regular, cleartext HTTP, then the connection is only partially encrypted: the unencrypted content is accessible to sniffers and can be modified by man-in-the-middle attackers, and therefore the connection is not safeguarded anymore. When a webpage exhibits this behavior, it is called a mixed content page.

The statements are not contradictory, but complementary, and a little confusing perhaps. The first says the page itself is not fully secure because it contains unencrypted elements (all web browsers will notify you of this), whereas the second notes that these elements have been automatically blocked by Firefox.

If Firefox did not block the unencrypted elements, then strictly speaking, the page would not be secure.

HTTPS Everywhere does not guarantee a secure connection. It will only try to force HTTPS whenever it is available; if it is not, then there is nothing a user or browser can do about it outside of blocking the unsecure content.

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