Iz okvira sa savjetima: zapišite dijagram toka za kupnju, smanjite iOS i DIY zupčaste olovke


Iz okvira sa savjetima: zapišite dijagram toka za kupnju, smanjite iOS i DIY zupčaste olovke
Iz okvira sa savjetima: zapišite dijagram toka za kupnju, smanjite iOS i DIY zupčaste olovke
Jednom tjedno zaokružimo neke savjete iz okvira HTG savjeta i dijelimo ih s većim čitateljstvom; ovaj tjedan gledamo kupovinu Kindlesa s dijagramom tijeka, snižavanjem iOS-a i valjkom vlastite DIY napitke za lemljenje.
Jednom tjedno zaokružimo neke savjete iz okvira HTG savjeta i dijelimo ih s većim čitateljstvom; ovaj tjedan gledamo kupovinu Kindlesa s dijagramom tijeka, snižavanjem iOS-a i valjkom vlastite DIY napitke za lemljenje.

Kupujte svoj zapaliti pomoću dijagrama toka

Andrea piše s ovim takvim tipom za kupnju:
Andrea piše s ovim takvim tipom za kupnju:

So after much deliberating on the topic, I finally got around to doing some shopping for a shiny new Kindle. You can imagine my surprise! The last time I went Kindle shopping was around this time last year and my options were limited to the Kindle Keyboard (small!) or the Kindle DX (big!). There have been some serious changes in Kindle land and it was a bit tricky to sort out exactly what I was getting if I went with one model over another (touch? keyboard? with ads? without ads?). I found this super handy flowchart to help me pick. I figured I can’t be the only one looking for an ebook reader this holiday season. Keep up the good work!

Ne samo da je to dijagram toka za korisnike koji kupuju za zapaliti, to je dobra referentna točka za ljude koji razmišljaju o dobivanju, recimo, Nooku i žele provjeriti značajke protiv onih pronađenih na Kindleu. Hvala na dijeljenju!

Snižavanje iOS s iFaithom

Brainz piše sa savjetom usmjerenim na smanjenje iOS-a:

This might be a bit specific for the tips post ya’ll do every week but this tip/program has been so useful to me I just had to share. As of the iOS 5 updates it’s impossible to downgrade. This might not be a big deal for the average user but for jailbreakers and modders it’s a huge deal. Historically you could jump back to prior versions if you needed to for whatever reason (like you found out that a cutting edge jailbreak wouldn’t work anymore and you needed to go back in time, so to speak). This is where iFaith comes in. iFaith lets you backup the SHSH blog from your present iOS version and keep it safe and sound (think of your SHSH blog as like the key to unlocking old versions of iOS). You can now upgrade without fear, knowing that you can go back in time! Here’s a step-by-step tutorial to using the app.

Dok ste u pravu, to je vrlo fokusiran savjet, to je vrlo korisno. Imamo nekoliko jailbroken uređaja polaganje okolo koji će biti uzimajući iFaith liječenje uskoro. Hvala što ste se prijavili!

DIY lemljenje za jednostavno i udobno lemljenje

Ben piše sa sljedećim savjetom:
Ben piše sa sljedećim savjetom:

I love all the DIY electronics posts you guys share. I have a soldering-related tip for the tips box. I gutted a couple old pens and mechanical pencils, following this guide here, to serve as “soldering pens”. They’re super handy. Instead of holding the solder in your hand you can instead hold the pen case as a way of easily directing the solder. In addition to the tips in the tutorial link I shared (he only uses a hollow pen) I’d suggest going to a drafting store and getting a large bore mechanical pencil. I found that a 1mm size drafting pencil would actually feed the solder with the mechanical action. Pretty neat!

To je savjeti poput ovoga koji nam žele otići prašinom s radnog stola i opet početi savijati strujni krug. Hvala na dijeljenju!

Imate li savjet ili trik za dijeljenje? Pucaj nam poruku e-pošte na [email protected] i samo bi mogla vidjeti vaš savjet na naslovnici.
