Windows 10 autori za jesen Obnova problema i izdanja ažuriranja


Windows 10 autori za jesen Obnova problema i izdanja ažuriranja
Windows 10 autori za jesen Obnova problema i izdanja ažuriranja

Video: Windows 10 autori za jesen Obnova problema i izdanja ažuriranja

Video: Windows 10 autori za jesen Obnova problema i izdanja ažuriranja
Video: How to Upgrade to Windows 10 for Free - YouTube 2024, Travanj

Neki korisnici koji su ažurirali svoje računalo na Windows 10 godišnjicu ažuriranja, ažuriranja za Windows 10 za ažuriranje ili ažuriranje autora autora sustava Windows 10 prijavljuju različite slučajne probleme. Stvarni broj može biti vrlo mali, ali u nastavku imamo neke od njih koji se ovdje nalaze u našim komentarima, kao i Reddit i Microsoft Answers Forum.


Windows 10 problemi nakon nadogradnje na noviju verziju

Za početak, dok mi je doživljaj nadogradnje kao takav prošao glatko, suočio sam se s dva problema na mom laptopu Windows 10 Pro Dell:

  1. Nakon nadogradnje nije imao pristup internetu
  2. Moje mogućnosti napajanja nestale su u izborniku Start.

Pogledajmo neke druge slučajne reakcije:

Rekao je Rockstarrocks:

Guys don’t download this yet, it’s still not stable enough to be reliable. Since last night I have two BSODs (stop code: reference by pointer), sometimes touchpad buttons don’t work, start menu does not show all some programs(dell audio in my case, drivers, and software for it are installed), Cortana is buggy as hell.

manojkashayp je imao sličan doživljaj:

My zte ac 2766CDMA USB modem not working after I updated to Windows 10 creaters update it is giving error 633 please help me it is only Internet connection I have.

CornedBeefAssassin je rekao na Microsoftovim odgovorima:

Windows seem to forget how to manage memory because after installing the update the computer froze after rebooting the computer and monitoring the processes I saw memory was full ran a diagnostic reported the sticks were fine. Love the new update hate the bugs I had to rollback because.

Rekao je Iash78:

I recently updated to version 1703. DTS Connect not working anymore. Realtek HD Audio (ALC1150). I already tried to reinstall the realtek driver.

JoeRusso na Redditu izjavio je:

Mouse won’t work in lower-resolution fullscreen applications. I always see a cursor before the application is launched and can actually move it for first 1-2 seconds and then it stops responding. Mouse buttons works, but not the movement. My PC won’t shut down. The restart button is working fine, but after I click the shutdown button, it says Shutting Down and after that, I have a black screen but my PC is still on.

U slučaju jmmillcreek, Windows je napravio grešku prilikom izračunavanja raspoloživog prostora na disku:

Creators Update error 0x80070070 not enough disc space I have over 182gb open.

Golfstud je rekao da slideshow na pozadini radne površine i roditeljskoj mapi ne radi:

…With CU, when choosing that parent folder, only one pic is displayed on background and it never changes. With CU, I seem to have to pick a child folder and only pics from that folder are displayed – they do change through that folder.

tomboy24151 je imao problema s Edgeom:

When I downloaded the creators update the hub in edge no longer works. I cant save to favorites or see my favorites If I click on the hub it freezes edge and the only thing I can do is to x out of it.

Paul Streeting kaže:

Odd part some will find is a whiteout in the start menu for ‘Wireless Display Media Adapter’ for those lucky enough to have one but if you don’t it stays empty aside from a white square…

Arm3n je rekao:

Hi there, running build 15063.11 as of yesterday, and noticed that a few of my Startup shortcuts did not run successfully from C: Users USERNAME AppData Roaming Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs Startup nor via Services (using nssm tool). I made sure every shortcut and underlying app is configured to be run as Admin, more-so, I played around with the Services authorization (using local admin vs System, etc), all to no avail.

Spritanium postovi:

Windows 10 absolutely will not detect my Bluetooth headphones.

PrzemyslawHerman je imao čudan problem:

I have updated my Windows 10 to the latest version. After update I can’t see any text in explorer (no folder and file names), only icons are shown. The same problem is with old Control Panel. On the other hand, the new settings menu is working as well as menu start. I’ve tried restarting, changed english from polish to english and back to polish. I have also created new account, but there is the same problem. How to fix it? It is really annoying.

A onda postoji holgerianus:
A onda postoji holgerianus:

I installed the Creators Update with the Windows Upgrade tool. The installation process did go through flawlessly. However, after the installation all my programs went missing from the Start Menu with the exceptions of the “stock” apps and those apps I installed from the MS store.

Rekao je GageWilliams:

I just installed the windows 10 Creators update with the upgrade assistant tool because I was eager to get it. After that, when I open up my apps, they close right after I open them. Any way to fix this?

Microsoft je predložio da ukloni i deinstalira Windows 10 v1703.

Ako vam je potrebna pomoć za otklanjanje poteškoća s kojima ste se suočili, poslije nadogradnje potražite ovaj post na uobičajenim problemima u sustavu Windows ili potražite poruku o pogrešci na ovoj web stranici.

Povezano čitanje:

  • Realtek HD Audio vozač ne radi sa sustavom Windows 10 v1703
  • Korisnik prikazuje pogrešne ikone aplikacije koje se prikazuju nakon ažuriranja autora
  • Windows 10. travnja 2018 Problemi i problemi s ažuriranjem.
  • Ažuriranje za autore sadržaja prekida Windowed G-sync; ovdje je popravak.

A ti? Jeste li instalirali najnoviju nadogradnju? Ili namjeravate čekati ili odgoditi nadogradnju sustava Windows? Ako ste se suočili s bilo kakvim problemima, podijelite s nama u odjeljku za komentare u nastavku.
