Gdje se nalazi ključ aplikacija na standardnoj tipkovnici sa sustavom Microsoft?


Gdje se nalazi ključ aplikacija na standardnoj tipkovnici sa sustavom Microsoft?
Gdje se nalazi ključ aplikacija na standardnoj tipkovnici sa sustavom Microsoft?
Tipkovnički prečaci mogu uvelike pojednostaviti naš radni tok, ali što učiniti kada vam je rečeno da koristite prečac s nejasnim ključem koji niste sigurni jest na tipkovnici? Današnji SuperUser Q & A post ima odgovor kako bi pomogao frustriranom čitatelju da pronađe ključ koji traži.
Tipkovnički prečaci mogu uvelike pojednostaviti naš radni tok, ali što učiniti kada vam je rečeno da koristite prečac s nejasnim ključem koji niste sigurni jest na tipkovnici? Današnji SuperUser Q & A post ima odgovor kako bi pomogao frustriranom čitatelju da pronađe ključ koji traži.

Današnja pitanja i odgovori nam se javljaju zahvaljujući SuperUseru - podjele Stack Exchange-a, zajednice-driven grupiranja Q & A web stranica.

Fotografija ljubaznošću Blakea Pattersona (Flickr).


SuperUser čitač Shaun Luttin želi znati gdje se ključ aplikacija nalazi na Microsoftovim orijentiranim tipkovnicama:

ConEmu has a shortcut for renaming the current tab. It is Apps Key + R. I have never seen an Apps Key on any keyboard. Where is it located at?

Gdje se ključ aplikacija nalazi na Microsoftovim orijentiranim tipkovnicama?


SuperUser suradnik Ramhound ima odgovor za nas:

In computing, the Menu Key or Application Key is a key found on Microsoft Windows-oriented computer keyboards, introduced at the same time as the Windows Logo Key. Its symbol is usually a small icon depicting a pointer hovering above a menu, and it is typically found on the right side of the keyboard between the right Windows Logo Key and the right Control Key (or between the right Alt Key and the right Control Key). While the Windows Logo Key is present on the vast majority of keyboards intended for use with the Windows operating system, the Menu Key is frequently omitted in the interest of space, particularly on portable and laptop keyboards.

The key’s primary function is to launch a Context Menu with the keyboard rather than with the usual Right-Mouse Button. It can be used when the Right-Mouse Button is not present on a mouse.

Some Windows public terminals do not have a Menu Key on their keyboard in order to prevent users from right clicking; however, in many Windows applications, a similar functionality can be invoked with the Shift + F10 keyboard shortcut, or sometimes Ctrl + Shift + F10.

Some laptop computers include a menu function on the Fn Key (usually operated by pressing Shift + Fn), however, this generally invokes functions built into the vendor’s software and is not the same as the key described above. For example, the Logitech Illuminated Keyboard has an Fn Key where the Menu Key is usually found, pressing it together with the Print Screen Key (above Home) produces the Menu Key function.

Programmers using the Windows API can intercept this key by looking for a WM_KEYDOWN message with wParam VK_APPS (defined as 0x5D in winuser.h). It has the key code 117 (0x75).

Source: Wikipedia – Menu Key
Source: Wikipedia – Menu Key

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